Monday, February 26, 2018

Full Stack Developer : Sequence of Topics

The sequence of topics to be learnt to become a full stack developer is a minimum of :

I. Front-end Developer/ Web Designer:
1 .HTML and HTML5
2. CSS
3. Bootstrap 4 ( A CSS framework)
4. Responsive Design (so that your site fits to all size devices in the same way)
5. JavaScript
6. DOM Events
7. Dreamweaver

II. Back-end Developer/ Web Developer (App behaviour/Business Logic) :
1.  Node.js
2.  Express.js
3.  REST - Ajax, XHR (XMLHttpRequest()), JSON
4.  SQL language
5.  JQuery
6.  React JS
7.  Angular JS (for SPA - single page applications like Gmail)
8.  Database servers like MySQL/postgreSQL/MongoDB
9.  Chrome Dev Tools
10. SSL Certificates

III. Git - To work remotely on projects with people , look at code bases of popular projects on GitHub .
IV. Web application Architecture
       a. AWS
       b. Azure
    PaaS like
       a. Hasura
       b. Heroku
 V.  MVC
Is a software architecture - the structure of the system - that separates domain/application/business
logic (whatever you refer it as) from rest of the user interface. It does so by separating the  application into three parts
       a. The MODEL - Manages business logic and database. All that is not visible to user. Defines the fundamental behavior of the application. It can respond to REQUESTS for information and RESPOND to instructions to change the STATE of its information. In short it is the LOGIC and DATA- MANAGEMENT of the application.
       b. The VIEW - The user interface , all that is visible to the user. It will render data from the model to the UI and from UI to model (using forms).
       c. The CONTROLLER - Receives user inputs and makes calls to MODEL objects and the VIEW to perform appropriate actions.

VI. A good Computer Science background with topics like
1. Tree traversing
2. Sorting
3. Algorithm Analysis
4. Matrix Manipulation
5. Hash Tables
6. Queues and stacks
7. Objects and Arrays

HTTP is a stateless application protocol on the internet - its what allows clients to
communicate with servers ( e.g. your javascript code can make an Ajax request to some
back-end code you have running on a server which will happen via HTTP.

To add programming/computational/functional power to your UI ( User Interface) you need
JavaScript ( or any web scripting language like VBScript) and then connect your UI to a
database. So, you need to know SQL .
Then you need to create and configure your server. For that you will need Node.js and Express.js or PHP/ Python/Java.
And finally to enhance your front-end JS, you need jQuery and React JS. And if you want your web
application to be a single page applicatio like the gmail, you need to learn Angular JS.

Various options of web development stacks to choose from are:

1. WAMP - Windows (OS), Apache (Web server), MongoDB (nonSQL database server) and PHP.
2. MEAN - MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js and Node.js - A all javascript stack

Happy developing !


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