Sunday, February 25, 2018

C program :To output the number of matching positions if s is an anagram of t, and -1 if s is not an anagram of t.

We say that a string 's' is an anagram of another string 't' if the
letters in 's' can be rearranged to form 't'.

For example, "butterfly" is an anagram of "flutterby", since a
rearrangement of the first word results in the second.

We say that a position 'i' in 's' and 't' match, if 's' is an anagram of
't', and s[i]==t[i].

In this question, you will be given two words, 's' and 't'. You have
to output the number of matching positions if s is an anagram of t,
and -1 if s is not an anagram of t.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1

int main()

    char s1[100],s2[100];
    //int num1[26] = {0}, num2[26] = {0}, i = 0;
    int count=0,i=0;
    scanf("%s %s", s1,s2);
      int num1[26] = {0}, num2[26] = {0};

    while (s1[i] != '\0')


        num1[s1[i] - 'a']++;



    i = 0;

    while (s2[i] != '\0')


        num2[s2[i] -'a']++;



    for (i = 0; i < strlen(s1); i++)


        if (num1[i] != num2[i])

            goto A;
    for (i = 0; i < strlen(s1); i++)


        if (s1[i] == s2[i])

   A: return 0;

Happy Computing !

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 इश्क में ग़ैरत-ए-जज़्बात ने रोने ना दिया वरना क्या बात थी किस बात ने रोने ना दिया आप कहते थे कि रोने से ना बदलेंगे नसीब उमर भर आप की इस बात...