Thursday, June 8, 2017

1.2 App wireframe/prototype

Hello all !

My app
My app is powered by
I started building  my apps prototype (i.e. the user-interface , how it will look and behave, without any actual functionality - its just the design/blueprint of an app) using an online tool /web app called 'proto' at '' , as recommended by our mentor , Tanmai Gopal (Co-founder & CTO - - a cloud PaaS & BaaS  provider company).

It is a very effective in building app prototypes. It reduces a lot of your work, by having a ready prototype handy before actually start building the app. But despite my wish to use ''  , I opted for an alternative to prototype my app , (due to a poor internet network , becomes very 'sticky/unresponsive' and hard to use).

I, therefore , developed my prototype by actually coding it (using html5, css and bootstrap) on (a cloud PaaS)..  Later on I just copied all my code  , and I got my UI (ready) as well as prototype in one arrow !.

My App's prototype 
url :

Its a three page app. Functionally its only a two page app. The first page allows you to post questions (along with signup, sign-in & sign-out  functions), the second page lists all the questions (with the most recent one at the top, therefore has very little back-end  integration and functionality) and finally the third page allows the user to post his answer to a question.

But will use in future, as I upgrade to a faster network.

Following are the screen shots of my prototype

                                                                 SCREEN 1 (HOMEPAGE)

                                    SCREEN 2 (DISPLAYS  QUESTIONS ASKED)

                                             SCREEN 3 (ANSWER SHEET )

                                                                  SIGNUP PAGE

                                                                LOGIN PAGE

                                                              LOGOUT PAGE

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