Wednesday, June 7, 2017

1.1 App idea

Hello everyone,

My app
My app is powered by

The name of my web app is State-of-the-Art.  Its a online forum (community ), where members can ask and  answer to questions . Something like the famous 'stackoverflow' app, which we all know. The difference here is that  questions can be from any field,  subject , day-to-day  issues ..... in fact whatever you need to know.

The reason for choosing this app idea because, this is what I want to do in my life - help people with all that I know and learn from others. I want that the world behaves like one big family of collaborative people, helping each other.

 "State-of-the-art" literally means something that was "never done before" i.e. a completely new way of doing something.......a kind of inventions.  When people around the globe  collaborate ..." state-of-the-art"...  happens.....hence the name.

Its a three page app. Functionally its only a two page app. The first page allows you to post questions (along with signup, sign-in & sign-out  functions), the second page lists all the questions (with the most recent one at the top, therefore has very little back-end  integration and functionality) and finally the third page allows the user to post his answer to a question.

Back-end integration for the pages:-
page 1(Homepage): To insert questions , signup and sign-in .
page 2(Questions): To fetch the questions.
page3(Answer-sheet): To insert answers and fetch all previous answers to a question (if any).

Thus my MVP allows a user to seek solutions/answers of any problem he is facing for free. As well as in-turn, he also helps others solve their problems. So its a 'help' platform.

Visit my app    and leave comments.
Batch: May-June, 2017.
Project name: veejay84.
App URL :
Back-end technologies: javaScript, Nodejs-express, and Hasura Authentication & Data APIs.
Front-end technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery and AngularJS.
Back-end technologies: Hasura PostgreSQL database.... hasuradb.
Start date: 08-05-2017.
Status: Hasura Intern.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi. I visited your app. It works quite well and is very interesting. I feel the formatting could be a bit better but otherwise great app :)

  3. Nice work!UI can be made more attractive

  4. idea is good enough but ui palys important role,improve it

  5. yes........that's my weakness...I am not good in front-end.....but will certainly improve it


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