Monday, July 2, 2018

C program convert a decimal number into binary number using reccursion


     * C Program to Convert a Number Decimal System to Binary System using Recursion


    #include <stdio.h>

    int convert(int);

    int main()


        int dec, bin;

        printf("Enter a decimal number: ");

        scanf("%d", &dec);

        bin = convert(dec);

        printf("The binary equivalent of %d is %d.\n", dec, bin);

        return 0;


    int convert(int dec)


        if (dec == 0)


            return 0;




            return (dec % 2 + 10 * convert(dec / 2));



1 comment:

  1. A number is a concept that arises from the result to have things that are an aggregate or a generalization of this concept.
    numbers information


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