Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Syllabus of core Python


  • Python installation

  • The Command Line

  • Jupyter Notebook

  • Python Comments

  • The print statement

  • Variables

  • Constants

  • Keywords

  • Numbers

  • Strings

  • Lists

  • Dictionaries

  • Tuples

  • Sets

  • Control Flow

  • IF, ELIF and ELSE statements

  • Comparison operators

  • For loops

  • While Loops

  • Nest Loops

  • Break, Continue and Pass keywords

  • enumerate

  • List Comprehensions

  • Dictionary Comprehensions

  • How to use Functions

  • How to create your own Functions

  • Parameters and arguments

  • *args and **kwargs

  • lambda expressions

  • Map and Filter functions

  • Python Scope

  • Accepting and validating user input

  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Inheritance

  • Polymorphism

  • Special Methods

  • Modules & Packages

  • How to create your own packages

  • Errors and Exceptions handling

  • Decorators

  • Generators

  • Web Scraping using the requests and BeautifulSoup libraries

  • GUI's using Tkinter

  • Dashboards using plotly and dash

  • Work with CSV files, PDF files and Databases

  • The Collections module

  • Regular Expressions (regex)

  • Timing your Python Code

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