Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sequence of learning Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA)

 Complete list and more

  1. Arrays(Sorting, searching, adding , deleting, traversing)
  2. singly linked-list using Arrays
  3. doubly linked-list using Arrays
  4. circular linked-list using Arrays
  5. doubly circular linked-list using Arrays
  6. queue using arrays
  7. circular queue using arrays
  8. stack using arrays
  9. double stack using arrays
  10. Repeat all of the above using ‘struct’ in both ‘recursive’ and ‘non-recursive’ implementations.
  11. Hash tables
  12. Trees using structs -> Traversing (walk through), Insertion, Deletion, Balancing
  13. Search trees -> BST (Binary Search Trees) & Heaps.
  14. Priority Queue
  15. Heap
  16. B Tree
  17. B+ Tree
  18. AVL Trees
  19. Splay Trees
  20. RB Trees
  21. Graphs
  22. Union-Find


  1. Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
  2. Searching algorithms -> Linear and Binary search
  3. Sorting algorithms -> Selection, Insertion, Bubble, Shell, Radix, Merge, Quick sort, Heap sort and Randomized quick sort.
  4. Maximum and minimum element in a data structure.
  5. Sum and average of all elements in the data structures.
  6. Inorder, preorder and post-order tree traversals
  7. BFS and DFS Tree traversals
  8. Recursion -> Plain & Double
  9. Divide and conquer
  10. Dynamic programming -> Memo-i-zation and Tabulation
  11. Greedy algorithms
  12. Graph algorithms
  13. Back-tracking
  14. Branch & Bound
  15. Randomized Algorithms
    1. Monte-Carlo Algorithms
    2. Sherwood Algorithms
    3. Las Vegas Algorithms
  16. Probabilistic Algorithms -> Probabilistic Analysis
  17. Approximation Algorithms
  18. Parallel Algorithms
    1. Pram algorithms
    2. Mesh algorithms
  19. Genetic Algorithms
  20. String processing Algorithms
  21. Bit Algorithms

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