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Friday, January 22, 2021
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
SaaS - Game server hosting: A lucrative business
Have a look how
Try out this SaaS web applications
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
How start your SaaS business
Have a look how
Zoho India's most successful SaaS company its SaaS portfolio consists of more than 30 apps that help companies manage their business such as the 'Zoho creator' SaaS app, have a look Another example of a good SaaS startup is
1. Research This is probably the most important aspect of building a saas business. If you don't understand your customer or the market, there is no way you will be able to get any customers. 2. Market There is a solid reason that you want to market BEFORE you build the software. You want to start getting leads as soon as you validate the idea. Even if you end up never launching your software, you now have some contacts you can reach out to for ideas! 3. Build Protoype and design the user interface first - trust me on this. It's hard enough to figure out the full stack and which framework/coding language to use. Make it easy on yourself and start with drawing out the interface in MS paint. heh. 4. Scale Content. Marketing.... Build an authority in your niche using a blog and other content as the crutch. If you can make your SaaS brand stand out and show you know your stuff in the market, you will get all the customers.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Ramanujam The Indian Genius unlike any other genius in the world history.
The Ramanujam Journal, have a look
What the History channel says about him, have a look
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Sequence of learning Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA)
Complete list and more
- Arrays(Sorting, searching, adding , deleting, traversing)
- singly linked-list using Arrays
- doubly linked-list using Arrays
- circular linked-list using Arrays
- doubly circular linked-list using Arrays
- queue using arrays
- circular queue using arrays
- stack using arrays
- double stack using arrays
- Repeat all of the above using ‘struct’ in both ‘recursive’ and ‘non-recursive’ implementations.
- Hash tables
- Trees using structs -> Traversing (walk through), Insertion, Deletion, Balancing
- Search trees -> BST (Binary Search Trees) & Heaps.
- Priority Queue
- Heap
- B Tree
- B+ Tree
- AVL Trees
- Splay Trees
- RB Trees
- Graphs
- Union-Find
- Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms
- Searching algorithms -> Linear and Binary search
- Sorting algorithms -> Selection, Insertion, Bubble, Shell, Radix, Merge, Quick sort, Heap sort and Randomized quick sort.
- Maximum and minimum element in a data structure.
- Sum and average of all elements in the data structures.
- Inorder, preorder and post-order tree traversals
- BFS and DFS Tree traversals
- Recursion -> Plain & Double
- Divide and conquer
- Dynamic programming -> Memo-i-zation and Tabulation
- Greedy algorithms
- Graph algorithms
- Back-tracking
- Branch & Bound
- Randomized Algorithms
- Monte-Carlo Algorithms
- Sherwood Algorithms
- Las Vegas Algorithms
- Probabilistic Algorithms -> Probabilistic Analysis
- Approximation Algorithms
- Parallel Algorithms
- Pram algorithms
- Mesh algorithms
- Genetic Algorithms
- String processing Algorithms
- Bit Algorithms
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Friday, January 8, 2021
Top 5 design patterns
Going from a framework consumer to framework creator
Friday, January 1, 2021
Have a look
You can see some examples of SERVERLESS FUNCTIONs here
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