Monday, October 21, 2019

Triggers in Oracle

Triggers in Oracle Vs MS SQL

Example of creating a Trigger in Oracle

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Print_salary_changes
    sal_diff number;
    sal_diff  := :NEW.SAL  - :OLD.SAL;
    dbms_output.put('Old salary: ' || :OLD.sal);
    dbms_output.put('  New salary: ' || :NEW.sal);
    dbms_output.put_line('  Difference ' || sal_diff);

Friday, October 18, 2019

Testing: Error/mistakes -> some become bugs/faults -> some cause failure

There are two main testing(test case selection) strategies :

  1. White box testing or Structural testing(Internal structure of the program is considered)
  • Coverage based testing
  • Cyclomatic complexity
  • Mutation testing
   2. Black box testing or Functional testing (The internal structure of the program is ignored, and attempt is to analyze the code , which produces the outputs for the given input values).
  • Boundary-value analysis
  • Equivalence partitioning                                                                                                                                
Unit Testing Strategies - 1 IITKH

Unit Testing Strategies - 2 IITKH

State Transition Diagram: Software Engineering

State chart diagram

State chart diagram case study

State machine diagram IITKH

State machine diagram of a bank ATM by IIT Kharagpur.

Example 1:

Example 2

Example 2

Example 3

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Python: Plotting graphs

Plot  graph g(t) = (t^2, t^3 - t) for t(-2,2)

import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
import numpy as np
t = np.arange(-2,2,0.001)
# create lists x and y which have all the values of x and y for the given domain
x = []
y = []

for i in t:
  x = x + [i*i]
  y = y + [i*i*i -3*i]
mp.plot(x, y)

# naming the x axis
mp.xlabel('x - axis')
# naming the y axis
mp.ylabel('y - axis')

# giving a title to my graph

# function to show the plot

You can practice python at colab

System Flow Chart

Understanding System flow chart

System flow chart is not a flow chart for an algorithm.

Sample system flow chart

Monday, October 14, 2019

DFD in Software Engineering

How to build a DFD
DFD modelling technnique
DFD basics

Building blocks of a DFD

How DFD works:



DFD rules:

DFD levels:

Level 0 or context diagram: Write the name of the software in just one circle, then draw all system users and connect them to the system.

Example 1: Context level DFD for a tic-tac-toe game we often play

here the player INPUTS his moves and the system OUTPUTS display.

Example 2

Level 0

Level 1



Level 2

Example 1

Example 2
Level 3

Synchronous processes: Two processes are connected directly through a arrow

Asynchronous processes : Two processes are connected via a DATA STORE

Output of the system such as a 'printout or display' is shown by a paralellogram

Burst Time of a CPU: OS fundamentals

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Activity Diagram

Gantt Chart and Pert Chart: Software Engineering Project Scheduling

What is a Gantt Chart

Creating Gantt Chart using MS ExceL

Project Planning : Scheduling

Creating Gantt Chart Manually

PERT Chart:


How to create a PERT chart
PERT creation in detail

PERT chart with milestones(days/weeks of completion of that milestone) indicated inside the node circle. As shown below:
PERT chart
 The 'letter' on the edges denote the task names, while the arrows indicate the flow of tasks.

In yet another example below, we also have mentioned the duration of each task along with their names in parenthesis

Thursday, October 10, 2019

SQL: We need JOINS to fetch combined info from two tables connected by foreign key(s)

Here is an example:

Using the AND operator in the WHERE clause to get a value from both tables each, as shown in query below:

Inserting date in Oracle table, for doing that we need to use the TO_DATE function like: TO_DATE('12/01/2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), as shown in example below:
Then SELECT for a specific DATE as given below:

To get 'weekly' data (sum/count) :

suppose there is a 'sales' table having a 'sold_date' field, then

SELECT product_name, SUM(price) FROM sales WHERE sold_date <= (sysdate) AND sold_date >= (sysdate - 7);

Similarly for generating Monthly reports

SELECT product_name, SUM(price) FROM sales WHERE sold_date <= (sysdate) AND sold_date >= (sysdate - 30);

We can have multiple AND operator in a SQL query
Understanding SQL Transactions

You can PRINT text in Oracle using AS clause:

Oracle 11g Database: Online terminal to practice SQL

Oracle 11g Database terminal online
The tables ones created here remains there for ever, so never forget the names of the tables created by you here, else you will not be able to access it again.
If you remember the table names created by you , you can use it again any time in future.

Example I created a table names 'studentsCSE'

I must remember the name 'studentsCSE' to use it again anytime in future.

Once you write a command, then comment that line by prefixing '--', if you do not want that command to be re-executed along with the new commands, in the current execution.

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