- If given pair of graphs is isomorphic?
- Determine if there is a graph possible for the given degree sequence?
- Draw a graph with given degree sequence.
- Find the number of edges if a graph has 4 vertices of degree 3 and an isolated vertex.
- Find the number of regions in a connected planar graph if no. of edges is e and no. of vertices n.
- Determine if Ore's theorem can be used on given graph?
- Determine if Diarc's theorem can be used on given graph?
- Is the given graph planar?
- Is the given graph bipartite?
- Does graph have an Euler circuit?
- Does graph have an Hamiltonian circuit?
- Find the chromatic number of given graph?
- Color the given graph.
- Construct a 4 regular graphs on 12 vertices?
- Draw complement of given graph.
- Draw MSTs of the given graph.
- Prove that ............
- Define --------- Regular graph, complete graph etc.
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Sunday, March 20, 2022
Types of problems in graph theory.
Saturday, March 5, 2022
Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Algorithms
n deterministic algorithm, for a given particular input, the computer will always produce the same output going through the same states but in case of non-deterministic algorithm, for the same input, the compiler may produce different output in different runs. In fact non-deterministic algorithms can’t solve the problem in polynomial time and can’t determine what is the next step. The non-deterministic algorithms can show different behaviors for the same input on different execution and there is a degree of randomness to it.
Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-deterministic-and-non-deterministic-algorithms/.
Question types in Theory of Computation
Define a Regular Expression for given DFA.
Define a DFA for the given Regular Expression.
Give the language for the given Regular Expression.
Give the Regular Expression for the given Language.
Construct a DFA for given language.
Construct a PDA for given language.
Construct a TM for given language.
Give a CFG for the given language.
Give the language generated by the given CFG.
Show that given CFG is ambiguous.
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