Monday, April 20, 2020

How to run javascript inside a JSP scriplet

By writing your js code within <script></script> tag inside out.println() has shown below:

    if( a > 9)




How to comment JSP code

<%-- This is a JSP comment and will be completely ignored by the JSP compiler --%>

How to disable a option in a set of radio buttons

<input type="radio" name="disableme" id="1"> Animal
<input type="radio" name="disableme" id="2"> Mammal <input type="radio" name="disableme" id="3"> Human
document.getElementById("1").disabled = true;


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Subnet works - CIDR notation

JDBC: Check if the record exists in the database

Assuming you are working with a newly returned ResultSet whose cursor is pointing before the first row, an easier way to check this is to just call isBeforeFirst(). This avoids having to back-track if the data is to be read.

if (!resultSet.isBeforeFirst() ) {   
System.out.println("No data"); } else{ while({ resultSet.getString(1);       resultSet.getString(1); …. ….       resultSet.getString(n); } } source:

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Java enums

Let us see another example of Java enum where we are using value(), valueOf(), and ordinal() methods of Java enum.
  1. class EnumExample1{  
  2. //defining enum within class  
  3. public enum Season { WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL }  
  4. //creating the main method  
  5. public static void main(String[] args) {  
  6. //printing all enum  
  7. for (Season s : Season.values()){  
  8. System.out.println(s);  
  9. }  
  10. System.out.println("Value of WINTER is: "+Season.valueOf("WINTER"));  
  11. System.out.println("Index of WINTER is: "+Season.valueOf("WINTER").ordinal());  
  12. System.out.println("Index of SUMMER is: "+Season.valueOf("SUMMER").ordinal());  
  14. }}  
Value of WINTER is: WINTER
Index of WINTER is: 0
Index of SUMMER is: 2


Derivatives stock list at NSE

Complete FNO stock list at NSE. ABB India Ltd ACC Ltd APL Apollo Tubes Ltd AU Small Finance Bank Ltd Aarti Industries Ltd Abbott India Ltd A...